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Control Streamin' Platforms wit' Your Phone

Ahoy matey! 'Tis a Plankwalkin' Guide. Arrr!

Ye can do it! ✊ Arrr!

We be checkin' the followin':

  • Check that th' Netclicker TV be runnin'. Arrr!
  • Check that th' extension be connected t' th' Netclicker TV.
  • Check that the remote be connected to the Netclicker TV

Check that the Netclicker TV be running

Open Netclicker TV > Settings Open Netclicker TV > Settings
Open Netclicker TV > Settings

Open Netclicker TV > Settings
Click “Restart”, ye scurvy dog!
  • a.
    the IP Address should be refreshed, note down the IP Address and Passcode for checking later
  • b.
    ye should see two green indicators:
    • i.
      ye be not seein' the IP address:
      • 1.
        Check yer internet/network connection, matey. Arrr!
    • ii.
      ye be not seein' green lights:
      • 1.
        Make sure ye see an IP address, matey. Arrr!
      • 2.
        thar could be a conflict wit' th' port number; perhaps ye have another Netclicker TV already running; if not then try changing th' Port Number. (make sure its th' same in th' extension and remote - continue reading below)
    • iii.
      ye see green indicators:
      • 1.
        Arrr, aye aye matey, let's be movin' on to checkin' the extension! Arrr!
Open Netclicker TV > Settings

Open Netclicker TV > Settings

Check that the extension be connected to the Netclicker TV, matey.

Heave open a new porthole
Click on thar Extensions tab (or click menu, then Extensions) Arrr!
Click on thar Extensions tab (or click menu, then Extensions) Arrr!
Click on the Netclicker plunder:
  • a.
    Every time ye click on it, it should refresh the TV IP Address.
  • b.
    Compare the TV IP Address here to the one ye noted down earlier
  • c.
    Compare the TV Port Number here to the one ye noted down earlier
  • d.
    Compare the TV Passcode here to the one ye noted down earlier
  • e.
    If they be all matchin', click "RECONNECT":
    • i.
      ye should see a green indicator:
      • 1.
        if not, check yer TV, internet connection or network and details above again.
      • 2.
        ye be doin' that? Aye, great! Move on to checkin' the remote! Arrr!
Click on the Netclicker plunder:

Check that the remote be connected to the Netclicker TV, matey

Launch th' Netclicker mobile app
Strike the main menu button, matey!
Strike the main menu button, matey!
Arrr me hearties > Add Device
Strike the main menu button, matey! Arrr me hearties > Add Device
Scan QR code, ye scurvy dog!
Arrr me hearties > Add Device
Open the QR Code on yer Netclicker TV, matey.
  • a.
    Point th' spyglass at th' Jolly Roger code t' scan it
Open Netclicker TV > Settings

Open Netclicker TV > Settings
Open Netclicker TV > Settings

Open Netclicker TV > Settings