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Control Streaming Platforms with Your Phone

Troubleshooting Guide

You can do it! ✊

We’ll be checking the following:

  • Check that the Netclicker TV is running.
  • Check that the extension is connected to the Netclicker TV
  • Check that the remote is connected to the Netclicker TV

Check that the Netclicker TV is running

Open Netclicker TV > Settings
Open Netclicker TV > Settings
Click “Restart”:
  • a.
    the IP Address should be refreshed, note down the IP Address and Passcode for checking later
  • b.
    you should see two green indicators:
    • i.
      you’re not seeing the IP address:
      • 1.
        check your internet/network connection.
    • ii.
      you’re not seeing green lights:
      • 1.
        make sure you see an IP address.
      • 2.
        there could be a conflict with the port number; perhaps you have another Netclicker TV already running; if not then try changing the Port Number. (make sure its the same in the extension and remote - continue reading below)
    • iii.
      you see green indicators:
      • 1.
        ok great, move on to checking the extension!
Open Netclicker TV > Settings

Check that the extension is connected to the Netclicker TV

Open a new window
Click on the Extensions tab (or click menu, then Extensions)
Click on the Extensions tab (or click menu, then Extensions)
Click on the Netclicker extension:
  • a.
    Every time you click on it, it should refresh the TV IP Address
  • b.
    Compare the TV IP Address here to the one you noted down earlier
  • c.
    Compare the TV Port Number here to the one you noted down earlier
  • d.
    Compare the TV Passcode here to the one you noted down earlier
  • e.
    If they are all matching, click “RECONNECT”:
    • i.
      you should see a green indicator:
      • 1.
        if not, check your TV, internet connection or network and details above again.
      • 2.
        you do? Ok great, move on to checking the remote!
Click on the Netclicker extension:

Check that the remote is connected to the Netclicker TV

Launch the Netclicker mobile app
Tap the main menu button
Tap the main menu button
Devices > Add Device
Tap the main menu button Devices > Add Device
Scan QR code
Devices > Add Device
Open the QR Code on your Netclicker TV
  • a.
    Point the camera at the QR code to scan it
Open Netclicker TV > Settings
Open Netclicker TV > Settings